Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Do You Suffer with ITD (Impaired Thinking Disorder)
Day 1: Are You Suffering from a Double Mind?
Day 2: Fear Not
Day 3: Inconsistent Thinking and Behavior
Day 4: Controlling the Tongue
Day 5: Mastering My Mouth
We have all been exposed to the common carriers of ITD: the devil, the flesh and the world. When impaired thinking goes untreated long enough, it can lead to unhealthy and destructive lifestyles like those prevalent in our world today. One way to diagnose ITD is to listen to your own words. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If we want to know what is in our hearts, we just have to listen to what comes out of our mouths. The prescription for ITD is daily mega-doses of God’s Word. Deuteronomy 8:3 says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.