Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Exposing Stinking Thinking
Day 1: Laying Aside Bitterness
Day 2: Freedom from a Life of Strife
Day 3: Envy and Jealousy: The Twin Sins
Day 4: The Poison and Passion of Anger and Wrath
Day 5: Quit Judging and Criticizing
This week we will examine our lives for bitterness, strife, envy, anger and judging—all negative mindsets and forms of “stinking thinking” that can become strongholds in our lives. They need to be exposed, dealt with and given up because they are poisonous toxins to our soul that will cripple our spirits and keep us from running our Christian race with freedom and endurance. “Stinking thinking” leads to words that are foul and offensive not only to God and others, but to ourselves as well. “Stinking thinking” is a hindrance to the Christian life that, if not dealt with, will hinder our spiritual progress. The Scriptures we will study are written to our brothers and sisters in Christ. God’s desire is for the church to walk in unity. When we see bitterness, envy and strife among the brethren, there is no unity, peace or love in the church—and that destroys our witness for the Lord to the lost world.